About Climate Impacts Online

This portal illustrates the possible impacts of climate change on Germany for the sectors climate, agriculture, forestry, water, energy, tourism and health care. You can explore a wide range of parameters such as temperatures, crop yields, or the risk of forest fires. Data is available for the period 1901-2010 (observed data, based on German Climate Weather Service), and 2011-2100 (simulated data, based on the Impact2c project). The parameters chosen are displayed as colour maps of Germany. Three integrated zoom steps lead you to more detailed presentations of the federal states or districts. The portal displays three future climate scenarios (RCPs 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5), which base on different strengths of the greenhouse effect for the period 2011-2100.

For questions please contact us under the following email: climateimpacts(at)pik-potsdam.de

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